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The Bible, Digest køb i Hvidovre

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The Bible, Digest
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The Bible, Digest
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The Bible, Digest
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The Bible, Digest
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The Bible, Digest
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The Bible, Digest
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The Bible, Digest


  • ➡️ Title: The Bible
  • ➡️ Author: Digest
  • ➡️ SelleR_TYPE: PRIVATE
af Charles W. Slemming, D.D. Et dybtgående værk om at studere Bibelen. Indeholder seriøs introduktion til alle Bibelens bøger. Værdifuld for alle der elsker deres Bibel. Her i den gamle Kregel udgave i pæn hardback indbinding. Udkom i 1960. Dette er 3. oplag fra 1975. I dag er den meget vanskelig at opdrive. Fra røgfrit hjem. Skal afhentes. Beskrivelse: Biblical analysis and synthesis are similar. The Bible Digest comes as a handbook to Bible study presenting these two approaches. Each book of the Bible is introduced in such a way as to make known the human author and the period in which he was writing. Afterword, the text of the book is dealt with the brief form, giving pertinent facts concerning it and bringing insights into the practical life of the people of God then and now. Om forfatteren: Charles W. Slemming was converted in 1919 and served for eleven years in the pastorate, but realized that the Lord had graciously given him the gift of Bible teaching. In 1946 he left local church ministry to join the staff of Bible Testimony Fellowship, which involved traveling throughout Britain conducting weeks of Bible studies. He was later appointed director of BTF. In 1949 he made the first of seven visits to the USA for a Bible teaching tour. During this period he charted every book of the Bible and wrote a commentary entitled The Bible Digest, receiving a doctorate of divinity for his work. In 1974 he was called home to glory. --- Jeg har flere andre Bibler og Bibelredskaber til salg. Se mine andre annoncer. Jeg forventer at der løbende kommer flere Bibler, kristne bøger og teologiske værker, så hold øje med eller følg mine andre annoncer. Skriv hvis du søger noget bestemt.
🏷 kr.400
📍2650 Hvidovre
⏱ Dato for offentliggørelse: 27.04.2024
af Charles W. Slemming, D.D. Et dybtgående værk om at studere Bibelen. Indeholder seriøs introduktion til alle Bibelens bøger. Værdifuld for alle der elsker deres Bibel. Her i den gamle Kregel udgave i pæn hardback indbinding. Udkom i 1960. Dette er 3. oplag fra 1975. I dag er den meget vanskelig at opdrive. Fra røgfrit hjem. Skal afhentes. Beskrivelse: Biblical analysis and synthesis are similar. The Bible Digest comes as a handbook to Bible study presenting these two approaches. Each book of the Bible is introduced in such a way as to make known the human author and the period in which he was writing. Afterword, the text of the book is dealt with the brief form, giving pertinent facts concerning it and bringing insights into the practical life of the people of God then and now. Om forfatteren: Charles W. Slemming was converted in 1919 and served for eleven years in the pastorate, but realized that the Lord had graciously given him the gift of Bible teaching. In 1946 he left local church ministry to join the staff of Bible Testimony Fellowship, which involved traveling throughout Britain conducting weeks of Bible studies. He was later appointed director of BTF. In 1949 he made the first of seven visits to the USA for a Bible teaching tour. During this period he charted every book of the Bible and wrote a commentary entitled The Bible Digest, receiving a doctorate of divinity for his work. In 1974 he was called home to glory. --- Jeg har flere andre Bibler og Bibelredskaber til salg. Se mine andre annoncer. Jeg forventer at der løbende kommer flere Bibler, kristne bøger og teologiske værker, så hold øje med eller følg mine andre annoncer. Skriv hvis du søger noget bestemt.

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