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The Structural Principles, of the Bible køb i Hvidovre

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The Structural Principles, of the Bible
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The Structural Principles, of the Bible
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The Structural Principles, of the Bible
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The Structural Principles, of the Bible
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The Structural Principles, of the Bible
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The Structural Principles, of the Bible
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The Structural Principles, of the Bible
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The Structural Principles, of the Bible


  • ➡️ Title: The Structural Principles
  • ➡️ Author: Of the Bible
  • ➡️ SelleR_TYPE: PRIVATE
or How to Study the Word of God af F. E. Marsh. Et dybtgående værk om at studere Bibelen. Her i den gamle original udgave fra England i pæn hardback indbinding. Kregel genudgav den i 1969, men den er efterhånden meget vanskelig at opdrive. Fra røgfrit hjem. Skal afhentes. Beskrivelse: F. E. Marsh shows how to apply principles in the study of the Word of God in order to enrich the life of the reader. An easy-to-read book for those who desire to "search the scriptures." Bible students, pastors and Christians who study this book will be moved to a desire to study more - with a sense of entering into the deeper things of god, and an awareness of an enlargement of his own Christian life. As each new idea is presented, one is led further into an appreciation of the greatness of the Bible, and its power to change men. Chapters include: - Body of Wisdom - Head of golden wisdom - Spirit of Intellectual individualism - The soul of breathing life - Heart of Loving purpose - The hand of artistic design. This book is loaded with lots of good principles of Bible interpretation but is "heavy". Scholars and serious BIble students will enjoy and benefit from it but the beginning study will have a hard time wading through all the detail. Definitely worth while reading and having as a reference tool in any serious student's library. --- Jeg har flere andre Bibler og Bibelredskaber til salg. Se mine andre annoncer. Jeg forventer at der løbende kommer flere Bibler, kristne bøger og teologiske værker, så hold øje med eller følg mine andre annoncer. Skriv hvis du søger noget bestemt. Bibel.
🏷 kr.400
📍2650 Hvidovre
⏱ Dato for offentliggørelse: 27.04.2024
or How to Study the Word of God af F. E. Marsh. Et dybtgående værk om at studere Bibelen. Her i den gamle original udgave fra England i pæn hardback indbinding. Kregel genudgav den i 1969, men den er efterhånden meget vanskelig at opdrive. Fra røgfrit hjem. Skal afhentes. Beskrivelse: F. E. Marsh shows how to apply principles in the study of the Word of God in order to enrich the life of the reader. An easy-to-read book for those who desire to "search the scriptures." Bible students, pastors and Christians who study this book will be moved to a desire to study more - with a sense of entering into the deeper things of god, and an awareness of an enlargement of his own Christian life. As each new idea is presented, one is led further into an appreciation of the greatness of the Bible, and its power to change men. Chapters include: - Body of Wisdom - Head of golden wisdom - Spirit of Intellectual individualism - The soul of breathing life - Heart of Loving purpose - The hand of artistic design. This book is loaded with lots of good principles of Bible interpretation but is "heavy". Scholars and serious BIble students will enjoy and benefit from it but the beginning study will have a hard time wading through all the detail. Definitely worth while reading and having as a reference tool in any serious student's library. --- Jeg har flere andre Bibler og Bibelredskaber til salg. Se mine andre annoncer. Jeg forventer at der løbende kommer flere Bibler, kristne bøger og teologiske værker, så hold øje med eller følg mine andre annoncer. Skriv hvis du søger noget bestemt. Bibel.

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