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Introduction to, the New Testament køb i Hvidovre

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Introduction to, the New Testament
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Introduction to, the New Testament
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Introduction to, the New Testament
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Introduction to, the New Testament
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Introduction to, the New Testament
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Introduction to, the New Testament
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Introduction to, the New Testament


  • ➡️ Title: Introduction to
  • ➡️ Author: The New Testament
  • ➡️ SelleR_TYPE: PRIVATE
af Dr. Henry Clarence Thiessen. En glimrende konservativ introduktion til NT i Bibelen. Helt ny. Fra røgfrit hjem. Skal afhentes. Forlaget skriver: In this volume the late Dr. Henry C. Thiessen ably sets forth the conservative view of the New Testament. "The author believes that the plenary inspiration of the autographs of the New Testament is the only logical view that can be held by those who accept the true deity as well as the perfect humanity of Christ. He, therefore, approached his task with the reverence of one who accepts the Scriptures as the very Word of God." As a text, the volume has been widely accepted in seminaries and Bible institutes as an outstanding conservative introduction to the New Testament. Om forfatteren: Henry C. Thiessen was formerly Chairman of the Faculty of the Graduate School, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois --- Jeg har flere andre Bibel opslagsværker og Bibler til salg. Se mine andre annoncer. Jeg forventer at der løbende kommer flere Bibler, kristne bøger og teologiske værker, så hold øje med eller følg mine andre annoncer.
🏷 kr.200
📍2650 Hvidovre
⏱ Dato for offentliggørelse: 03.05.2024
af Dr. Henry Clarence Thiessen. En glimrende konservativ introduktion til NT i Bibelen. Helt ny. Fra røgfrit hjem. Skal afhentes. Forlaget skriver: In this volume the late Dr. Henry C. Thiessen ably sets forth the conservative view of the New Testament. "The author believes that the plenary inspiration of the autographs of the New Testament is the only logical view that can be held by those who accept the true deity as well as the perfect humanity of Christ. He, therefore, approached his task with the reverence of one who accepts the Scriptures as the very Word of God." As a text, the volume has been widely accepted in seminaries and Bible institutes as an outstanding conservative introduction to the New Testament. Om forfatteren: Henry C. Thiessen was formerly Chairman of the Faculty of the Graduate School, Wheaton College, Wheaton, Illinois --- Jeg har flere andre Bibel opslagsværker og Bibler til salg. Se mine andre annoncer. Jeg forventer at der løbende kommer flere Bibler, kristne bøger og teologiske værker, så hold øje med eller følg mine andre annoncer.

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