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The Holy Bible, Berkeley Version køb i Hvidovre

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The Holy Bible, Berkeley Version
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The Holy Bible, Berkeley Version
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The Holy Bible, Berkeley Version
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The Holy Bible, Berkeley Version
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The Holy Bible, Berkeley Version
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The Holy Bible, Berkeley Version
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The Holy Bible, Berkeley Version
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The Holy Bible, Berkeley Version


  • ➡️ Title: The Holy Bible
  • ➡️ Author: Berkeley Version
  • ➡️ SelleR_TYPE: PRIVATE
In Modern English fra 1959. En af de første moderne oversættelser af Bibelen til engelsk. Den havde stor indflydelse i sin tid og studeres stadig af Bibel forskere. Her i original hardback med røde kanter som Bibler ofte havde før i tiden. Fra røgfrit hjem. Skal afhentes. Forlaget Zondervan publishing House, skriver: According to editor-in-chief Gerrit Verkuyl: "The conviction that God wants His truth conveyed to His offspring in the language in which they think and live led me to produce the Berkeley Version (BV). For I grew increasingly aware that the King James Version (AV) is only, in part, the language of our people." The Berkeley Version of the Bible has gained for the late Dr. Gerrit Verkuyl a place among the first rank of translators of the Bible into modern English. Its growing readership since the initial publication of the New Testament in l945 bears witness to his success in combining freshness of expression with fidelity to the original Greek. The Berkeley Version of the Old Testament (1959), which was made by a staff of translators and consultants working under Dr. Verkuyl as editor-in-chief, exhibits the same characteristics of faithful rendering of the original texts into lively modern English that mark his New Testament. While some modern translations of the Scriptures tend to be paraphrases, this version of the Bible aims to achieve plain, up-to-date expression which reflects as directly as possible the meaning of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. As Professor F. F. Bruce says, “The Berkeley Version of the whole Bible (1959) is the most outstanding among recent translations of both Testaments sponsored by private groups” Se mere på foto 4 og 5. --- Jeg har flere andre Bibler til salg. Se mine andre annoncer. Jeg forventer at der løbende kommer flere Bibler, kristne bøger og teologiske værker, så hold øje med eller følg mine andre annoncer. Skriv hvis du søger noget bestemt.
🏷 kr.300
📍2650 Hvidovre
⏱ Dato for offentliggørelse: 07.05.2024
In Modern English fra 1959. En af de første moderne oversættelser af Bibelen til engelsk. Den havde stor indflydelse i sin tid og studeres stadig af Bibel forskere. Her i original hardback med røde kanter som Bibler ofte havde før i tiden. Fra røgfrit hjem. Skal afhentes. Forlaget Zondervan publishing House, skriver: According to editor-in-chief Gerrit Verkuyl: "The conviction that God wants His truth conveyed to His offspring in the language in which they think and live led me to produce the Berkeley Version (BV). For I grew increasingly aware that the King James Version (AV) is only, in part, the language of our people." The Berkeley Version of the Bible has gained for the late Dr. Gerrit Verkuyl a place among the first rank of translators of the Bible into modern English. Its growing readership since the initial publication of the New Testament in l945 bears witness to his success in combining freshness of expression with fidelity to the original Greek. The Berkeley Version of the Old Testament (1959), which was made by a staff of translators and consultants working under Dr. Verkuyl as editor-in-chief, exhibits the same characteristics of faithful rendering of the original texts into lively modern English that mark his New Testament. While some modern translations of the Scriptures tend to be paraphrases, this version of the Bible aims to achieve plain, up-to-date expression which reflects as directly as possible the meaning of the Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek. As Professor F. F. Bruce says, “The Berkeley Version of the whole Bible (1959) is the most outstanding among recent translations of both Testaments sponsored by private groups” Se mere på foto 4 og 5. --- Jeg har flere andre Bibler til salg. Se mine andre annoncer. Jeg forventer at der løbende kommer flere Bibler, kristne bøger og teologiske værker, så hold øje med eller følg mine andre annoncer. Skriv hvis du søger noget bestemt.

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