Hovedstaden » Københavns Kommune » Job » Arbejde og undervisning » Hushjælp, rengøring og børnepasning

cleaning houses, offices, clinics and bars. køb i Københavns Kommune

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cleaning houses, offices, clinics and bars.
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cleaning houses, offices, clinics and bars.
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cleaning houses, offices, clinics and bars.


cleaning houses, offices, clinics and bars., Hi! My name is Estefania. I have a lot of experience of years cleaning houses, offices, clinics and bars. I do extra work like ironing, oven cleaning, window painting, etc. If you need extra help or maintenance just call me! 150dk per hour Enjoy a clean and cozy house
📍, 2100 København Ø
⏱ Dato for offentliggørelse: 05.12.2022
cleaning houses, offices, clinics and bars., Hi! My name is Estefania. I have a lot of experience of years cleaning houses, offices, clinics and bars. I do extra work like ironing, oven cleaning, window painting, etc. If you need extra help or maintenance just call me! 150dk per hour Enjoy a clean and cozy house

Estefania E.

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