Fated Serien, Sarah Alderson, genre: ungdom køb i Kastrup

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Fated Serien, Sarah Alderson, genre: ungdom


  • ➡️ Title: Fated Serien
  • ➡️ Author: Sarah Alderson
  • ➡️ Category: Ungdom
  • ➡️ SelleR_TYPE: PRIVATE
samlet pris. Fated og Severed The story revolves around Evie Tremain, who learns she is the last in a lineage of Demon slayers and is being hunted by various supernatural beings. Determined to stand her ground, Evie prepares to fight back against the assassins, including Shapeshifters and Vampires. However, her fate becomes intertwined with Lucas Gray, a half-human, half-Shadow Warrior, who is initially tasked with spying on her but eventually joins her cause. As the war between humans and demons reaches a critical point, Evie and Lucas find themselves at the center of the conflict, facing betrayal and danger from all sides. They form an uneasy alliance with rogue Hunters, hoping to find protection and answers. Along the way, they unravel dark secrets about the Hunters and discover the true extent of the sacrifices required to end the war. Bound by destiny and facing formidable enemies, Evie and Lucas must navigate treacherous waters to fulfill their roles in bringing about peace. But as they delve deeper into the past and face imminent threats, they realize that the ultimate sacrifice may be necessary to sever not only the realms but also their own ties to each other.
🏷 kr.50
📍Tårnby, 2770 Kastrup
⏱ Dato for offentliggørelse: 22.03.2024
samlet pris. Fated og Severed The story revolves around Evie Tremain, who learns she is the last in a lineage of Demon slayers and is being hunted by various supernatural beings. Determined to stand her ground, Evie prepares to fight back against the assassins, including Shapeshifters and Vampires. However, her fate becomes intertwined with Lucas Gray, a half-human, half-Shadow Warrior, who is initially tasked with spying on her but eventually joins her cause. As the war between humans and demons reaches a critical point, Evie and Lucas find themselves at the center of the conflict, facing betrayal and danger from all sides. They form an uneasy alliance with rogue Hunters, hoping to find protection and answers. Along the way, they unravel dark secrets about the Hunters and discover the true extent of the sacrifices required to end the war. Bound by destiny and facing formidable enemies, Evie and Lucas must navigate treacherous waters to fulfill their roles in bringing about peace. But as they delve deeper into the past and face imminent threats, they realize that the ultimate sacrifice may be necessary to sever not only the realms but also their own ties to each other.

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