Hovedstaden » Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune » Job » Arbejde og undervisning » Hushjælp, rengøring og børnepasning

Housekeeper/hushjælp, tiltrædelse snarest muligt køb i Lyngby-Taarbæk Kommune


Housekeeper/hushjælp, tiltrædelse snarest muligt, Housekeeping app. 6 hours/week. We expect you to pay taxes and will pay a salary accordingly. We do NOT want a company. We are looking for someone who will be flexible as we don't necessarily want you to do the same things every week. We are very flexible about your work schedule. You decide if you want to come once or twice a week - or maybe two friends want to work together. We like to have set days for you to work, but if you need to change the day occasionally that is no problem.
📍, 2830 Virum
⏱ Dato for offentliggørelse: 19.04.2022
Housekeeper/hushjælp, tiltrædelse snarest muligt, Housekeeping app. 6 hours/week. We expect you to pay taxes and will pay a salary accordingly. We do NOT want a company. We are looking for someone who will be flexible as we don't necessarily want you to do the same things every week. We are very flexible about your work schedule. You decide if you want to come once or twice a week - or maybe two friends want to work together. We like to have set days for you to work, but if you need to change the day occasionally that is no problem.

Charlotte D.

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